Students perform at the opening ceremony of the new semester at a primary school in north China's Tianjin Municipality, Feb.
The types of people who become teachers are usually those who are patient, caring, and enjoy helping others. They are often passionate about learning and want to share that love of knowledge with ...
Time off from digital devices. Find out how a school in England challenges students to stay away from their gadgets ...
受 CHARLS 数据研究结果的启发,作者转而估算青少年经历土地改革对个体教育程度和长期劳动力市场结果的影响。利用人口普查中具有广泛代表性的大型数据集,作者发现,与联产承包制开始实施时年龄在 20 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish sinologist Giray Fidan entitled How can th ...
In ancient times, academies served as spiritual homes for scholars. In the past decade or so, amid the revival of traditional ...
Fun Fact: Arbuckle led the “Give ’em the Axe” cheer at a 1967 football game. The Stanford Daily reported that the crowd went ...
Jho Shinwoo’s wife, who has spent many years in Hangzhou, went to Jeju Island to care for her daughter, who had just become a ...
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Remorin(REM)蛋白是一类定位于植物质膜的蛋白,此前的研究发现,它在植物应对多种生物和非生物胁迫时发挥着关键作用,比如参与调控热胁迫耐受性,通过稳定膜完整性、与信号组件相互作用,激活包括热休克蛋白(HSPs)调控在内的应激反应途径,帮助植物维持细胞稳定 。但在木豆中,REM 基因尚未得到深入研究。同时,高温会直接影响植物细胞内活性氧(ROS)的积累,ROS ...