An international team of astronomers have investigated a large Galactic supernova remnant designated G278.94+1.35. Results of the study, published Dec. 30 on the pre-print server arXiv ...
Astronomers from Turkey and Japan have performed optical observations of a recently discovered nearby supernova remnant known as G206.7+5.9. Results of their observations, published Jan.
The relationship between infrared and X-ray emissions serves as a diagnostic tool for understanding the shock dynamics and the fate of the dust grains in the remnant[4]. Supernova: A powerful and ...
causing a strong shock wave and forming an interstellar object called a supernova remnant," wrote an international team of scientists in a paper outlining the discovery. "Supernovas are important ...
The image, is of Cassiopeia A. It is remnant of a supernova. A supernova literally means explosion of a star in space. Shraddha Walkar’s Father Dies Of Heart Attack, Yet Daughter’s Final Rites ...
Using instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope, the researchers studied the supernova remnant at infrared wavelengths and using spectroscopy examined its gas composition, finding highly ionized ...