Feeding wild birds got more complicated the more we studied those birds that come to feeders. Careful research showed that ...
Belated birthday wishes to local residents Bill McDonald, Dwight Hott, Joyce Lupton Bingham, Jennifer Metzler, Shelby Hulver, and former Horn Camp neighbor, Allen Bean of Louisa, Va.
The flower-inspired camera sits on a bendable stem. That stem can be stuck in the ground or wrapped around a tree branch. The ...
Lily Maser, a junior at Butler Senior High School, taught children at Butler YMCA how to make animal enrichment crafts Monday ...
Suet adds umami, which is the Japanese term for “delicious savory taste”. Without suet, mincemeat is sort of like boiled ...
The Animal and Plant Agency has confirmed that a squirrel pox virus is present in South East Northumberland as a conservation group find several dead.
Several red squirrels have been found dead in South East Northumberland as the Animal and Plant Health Agency confirmed that ...
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Squirrel Agent is a new software tool trained to distinguish between red and grey squirrels with 97% accuracy, BBC reported.
I awoke to find that the Weatherman had sprinkled an inch or so of fluff over my backyard and yes, I'm holding him personally ...
Are you wondering how to recycle your Christmas tree? Here are plenty of Christmas tree recycling tips for real trees and ...
Mindy Pollack-Fusi shares these photos of a bushy-tailed squirrel finding “gifts from Santa on the Fusi family’s deck on ...