Many livestock farms consider or use some sort of winter feeding strategy out on the land instead of in a barn with all the labor, cleanup and maintenance costs. It’s where bale grazing is gaining ...
If a guardian animal does not protect the herd, it should be replaced. Additional fencing (to keep goats in and dogs or coyotes out) is usually the most expensive change when grazing small ruminants ...
A few South Dakota ... Japanese cattle a try. The Tri-State Neighbor reports that some producers in the state are raising specialty Wagyu (wa-goo) cattle. Farmer Reid Jensen first got his hand on ...
The Global South has overtaken the Global North as a livestock methane threat for two reasons. The first is continued population and income growth, which has increased consumer demand for beef and ...
USDA’s Semi-Annual Cattle Inventory report confirmed a 61-year low in the beef cow herd, and barring some major change in the weather, the cattle inventory may not be done shrinking yet.
When talk turns to raising cattle in a real world environment, it doesn't come more genuine than what the Wildman family of Towaw Cattle Company in Alberta, Canada, are doing.
For the week ending Feb. 28, western Canadian feeder cattle markets traded steady to $5 higher on average compared to seven ...
Japan and South Korea. Australia’s feast will not last forever. Cattle markets move in cycles of de-stock and rebuild and by the late 2020s, Australia’s herd will likely be depleted while U.S. cattle ...
A student of rotational grazing guru ... remain with the herd and not be weaned. Moves from one paddock to the other take as little as around 15-30 minutes, and while the cattle know they are ...
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