The Simpsons season 36 is in full swing in the US, with new episodes landing on Fox weekly. The show first aired 35 years ago, on 17th December 1989, and has earned the title of the longest ...
"The Simpsons" debuted on Fox on Dec. 17, 1989. This popular animated series centers on a family of five living in the fictional city of Springfield. The groundbreaking show is the longest running ...
DC fans, be sure to hold on to your Netflix accounts. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Criminal-turned-minister Jesse Custer ...
Pastor T weighed in on the drama around the Furaha Festival, pitting Willy Paul against Diamond Platnumz The outspoken preacher called on Kenyans to support local talent rather than foreign acts Many ...
Ah, "The Simpsons" and "Monday Night Football" — two of my passions in one place. And, of course, they made fun of Arizona State University. All this happened Monday night when the greatest show ...
Every day from now until the end of the year, we’ll be posting a Secret Santa surprise, and today we have a gift for a local pastor who lost nearly everything in a fire a few months ago.
Monday night’s Simpsons Funday Football broadcast went off without a hitch. The incredibly fun Simpsons-themed ESPN broadcast of the Cincinnati Bengals and Dallas Cowboys game gave fans some ...