In a horrific incident, a Dalit youth was tied upside down from a tree and thrashed by people in a village located in Rajasthan’s Barmer district, according to police. A video of the incident has ...
Rishikesh, Jan 10 (PTI) A case has been registered against Piyush Agarwal, a son of Uttarakhand Cabinet Minister Premchand Agarwal, for allegedly cutting trees of protected species without permission.
Ashby Town Council said that due to the tree's position, close to a footpath near the town's bowls club, they were left with no choice but to cut it down "from a safety point of view". The ...
Protesters block Lemay Forest entrance Another twist in the battle over Lemay Forest as protesters blocked the entrance Wednesday. CTV’s Daniel Halmarson reports.
As one Kansas state trooper put it: "We are in it now." The trooper was referring to the scene as ice shut down lengthy stretches of Interstate 70 in the state and triggered wrecks all along the way.
Mentally, you may still be feeding off the festive high, refusing to let your Christmas flame burn out by keeping your tree up and your lights turned on — or maybe you just haven’t gotten around to ...
While some people will have taken their Christmas trees down already, there are others ... "If you're composting it you can remove it to your garden, cut into small pieces and let it feed the ...
Based on an analysis, Trump's tax cut proposals would put a huge dent into an already financially challenged retirement program. What's popular isn't always what's practical for Social Security.
As some people try to cut down their drinking and embrace Dry January, they may look to Canada’s health agencies for guidance — and find some conflicting advice. This week, the Canadian ...
Nail-biting footage captured by a car travelling behind the bus shows the tree slowly collapsing on to the roof of the bus. It had been hacked down by an illegal logger using a chainsaw ...
Kumar added that in the absence of alcohol, “the liver can focus on its other jobs, such as breaking down other toxins produced ... which means that cutting out alcohol could lead to weight ...
BILLERICA - Heavy winds brought down trees and debris across Massachusetts Thursday, including in Billerica where a giant tree fell on a home – narrowly missing the homeowner. "That's my house ...