Changes are coming to the rules around statutory sick pay in the UK, and up to 1.3 million Brits who previously didn't earn enough to qualify for the safety net will now get something if they miss ...
About 1.3 million people paid less than £123 per week in the UK will get guaranteed sick pay equivalent to 80% of their weekly salary under new rules due to come in next year. The policy also means ...
Workers will get sick pay from their first day of illness and more than one million people on low wages will get improved sick pay conditions under new plans designed to boost living standards.
Michigan lawmakers scrambled to preempt court-ordered changes to the state's sick leave and minimum wage policies ahead of ... to the ballot sought to expand paid sick leave and raise the minimum ...
The ranking doesn't focus on salaries or cost of living, but rather on other factors that can improve quality of life, like maternity leave, sick pay ... recent sick leave policy upgrade.