The fictional story follows two high school students, Eliza and Javier, who develop climate anxiety after a severe weather event. It's also based on actual events, specifically Hurricane Harvey.
A rapidly intensifying storm system will exacerbate travel disruptions in the Northeast over the next few days, with heavy rain, gusty winds and severe weather affecting the Interstate 95 corridor ...
The HSE has published an internal audit into how over €19 million allocated for spinal surgery was spent by the children's hospital group, Children's Health Ireland (CHI). The review covers the ...
4 Friends have revealed that Mangione had been dealing with severe back pain through the years, before going "radio silent" over the summer, per reports Mangione underwent surgery for his back ...
Queensland scientists have solved the century-old mystery of why patients who suffer severe spinal cord and brain ... Sometimes the condition recurs after surgery." Prof Levesque said the research ...
It’s vital Nevra gets this surgery, as the pain is becoming unbearable. And without it, her severe ME, and other debilitating conditions will only continue to get worse. Nevra is a 29-year-old ...
Colostomy surgery is a surgical procedure to remove part of the colon and create an opening to allow stool to pass out of the body. The stool is collected in a colostomy bag, which is worn on the ...
The mean age of the study patients (n = 80) at the time of surgery was 63 years (11 ... moderate, and severe disability, respectively, and 11 (14%) patients were crippled. Regarding the overall ...