Most Soulsborne veterans, including myself, agree that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has the best combat system out of any FromSoftware title. The aggression, sword-clashing, aesthetics, and stakes, are ...
The game is looking beautiful, but it was the sheer depth of the combat and its similarities to weapon-clashing adventures like Sekiro that ... against a foe using a sword and a head collector ...
Have you ever seen a game that looks so ridiculously, insatiably cool that you're filled with such a strong desire to live so that you get to feel even a fraction of what the trailers show you?
Games like Sekiro treat parrying as a core defensive maneuver. V.A Proxy approaches it more like a law of the universe. The speed of light, the boiling point of water, and your sword's ability to ...
If King Arthur could pull Excalibur out of a rock once upon a time, why can't you do the same? Roblox Pull a Sword challenges players to pull powerful swords out of stones to build their personal ...
Just like most other modern gacha games, Sword of Convallaria also features a code redemption system that lets you get more freebies. That can be huge for F2P players in particular. Here are all ...