The 14th Amendment was passed by the U.S. Senate in 1866 and ratified two years later by 28 of the 37 states at that time, ...
The Fourteenth Amendment was the product of a democratic revolutionary change that sought to put the Constitution on a ...
Donald Trump Trump’s disqualification to be president under the Fourteenth Amendment is the pardons and commutations to time ...
The amendment has five sections, but we will only be dealing with the first, which contains the Citizenship Clause and three other related clauses. The 14th Amendment is known as a Reconstruction ...
Federal judges in Washington and Maryland say the president's attack on birthright citizenship flouts the 14th Amendment and 127 years of judicial precedent.
The amendment has five sections, but we will only be dealing with the first, which contains the Citizenship Clause and three other related clauses ... “The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were designed ...