"Scooby-Doo" (2002) "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed" (2004) "Scoob!" (2020) The Scooby Doo Live-Action And Animated Television Films In Order Before Scooby-Doo made it to the big screen ...
While there is a soft spot in my heart for the original cartoon, I also love the live-action movies from 2002 and 2004 with .
From cult classic animated films to live-action adaptations ... Perhaps only marginally better than its live-action predecessor (2002’s Scooby-Doo), the main reason Scooby-Doo 2 is worth seeing ...
Creatives behind the numerous Scooby-Doo adaptations have for years tried to disambiguate Velma’s sexuality. Actor Hayley Kiyoko, who played Velma in the live-action feature film adaptations ...