They speculated that this causes an LC tilting. The LC depth leads to a larger tensile stress on the temporal aspect of the LC and the posterior sclera, causing damage to the axons that pass through ...
Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is one of the most important vision-threatening complications secondary to pathological myopia (PM). In the last 20 years, there have been rapid advances in the ...
It is important to identify infants of affected women as high-risk infants. Scrutinize the maternal history and, when possible, determine the specific EDS type of the mother or affected family ...
AIM To compare the incidence, epidemiological association, and inter-relation of nasal haemorrhage, intrapulmonary haemorrhage, and intrathoracic petechiae in infant deaths certified as SIDS. METHODS ...
Initial examinations revealed anterior chamber cell 4+, vitreous cell 2+ and fibrous proliferation with haemorrhage in the superior and temporal regions around the swollen optic disc with macular ...
2005) and the more severe myopic maculopathy such as myopic choroidal neovascularization and macular hemorrhage. Finally, we were not able to conduct functional study to test the role of the ...
In the largest GWAS of IA to date, genetic correlation (ρg) was observed with ischemic stroke (ρg=19.5±7.9% [SE]), deep intracerebral hemorrhage (ρg=51.6±19.8%) and abdominal aortic aneurysms ...