In a chilling incident, a man allegedly stabbed his wife to death with scissors in Pune's Kharadi area and then shot a video ...
Baghpat: A seven-year-old boy was stabbed to death with scissors by an alleged drug addict in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat ...
The woman was stabbed in the throat with a pair of scissors after an argument. She was rushed to hospital by the neighbours ...
The victim, Afzal had gone missing on Thursday morning. His body was recovered from a sugarcane field adjacent to a jungle in ...
Jayney Sutherlay was originally accused of murder but pled guilty to culpable homicide A 46-year-old woman has admitted killing a man by stabbing him with a blade from a pair of scissors.
Witnesses said Connor McMath lashed out for no apparent reason A killer who stabbed an innocent boy to death with a pair of scissors has been jailed for at least 15 years. Connor McMath struck ...