Set in a quaint yet deadly village, ITV's Midsomer Murders features Neil Dudgeon as DCI John Barnaby with Nick Hendrix playing DS Jamie Winter, Fiona Dolman portraying Sarah Barnaby, and Annette ...
ITV's Midsomer Murders features Neil in the role of DCI John Barnaby, with Nick Hendrix as DS Jamie Winter, Fiona Dolman as Sarah Barnaby and Annette Badland as Fleur Perkins. The ITV synopsis ...
5. Till Death Do Us Part - Not happy about being dragged to a wedding by his wife Sarah, things go from bad to worse for Barnaby when the bride is murdered.He must unveil the killer. More info ...
4. A Vintage Murder - Barnaby tries to find out who is targeting the Midsomer Vinae Winery.And what does the attack have to do with the death of a child in a hit-and-run accident? More info ...