Check out the top-producing bass lures used by the best anglers in the ... hands many times over the course of Championship Sunday's fishing and nobody knew for sure who had won until the final ...
A serendipitous weather pattern three years ago has resulted in the Lagunitas Creek watershed’s second-most prolific coho salmon spawning season since officials began counting the endangered species ...
The ferry MV Coho backs into its landing after returning to Port Angeles on Tuesday following annual dry dock and maintenance in Anacortes. During the maintenance period, extensive work was performed ...
leads this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report, but there’s also people gearing up for coho on the lakefront anticipating the weather moderating eventually. Rob Abouchar sent the photo at ...
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has written to the salmon industry to guarantee the future of salmon farming in Tasmania's Macquarie Harbour. The future of salmon farming in the harbour had been ...
My buddies and I fished the hell out of these places with bait at first, but as we grew older and at least possibly wiser, we began using different lures. From those early days, my love of trout ...