The High Court on Monday commuted the death sentences of three convicts in the 2017 rape and murder of college student Zakira Sultana Rupa in a moving bus near Modhupur, Tangail.
Ali Abdou Dibba led Southern Illinois with 26 points and Kennard Davis secured the victory with a free throw with 39 seconds left as the Salukis took down UIC 89-85 on Saturday. Dibba ...
A Pakistani court has sentenced a vlogger to one year of community service for illegally possessing a lion cub. Rajab Ali Butt must create a monthly vlog about animal rights as part of his punishment.
Karachi Mayor Barrister Murtaza Wahab has reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the city's parks, recreational areas, playgrounds, and public resources. He stated that these are the people's trust, ...