While the drive-thru window might seem like a pretty modern culinary invention, its roots may actually reach back much, much further than you'd expect.
The Al-Nuri Mosque and its minaret were severely damaged by the Islamic State (ISIS), but their reconstruction is now part of ...
Hindu mythology is frequently viewed as an intricate weaving of captivating deities, celestial conflicts, and deep ...
Archaeologists from Washington even believe the Garden of Eden could be a real place where civilisation began.
By Islam Salah Imagine a world without highways, planes, or ships—where goods and ideas traveled on the backs of camels along ...
The life of Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (610–641), his military triumphs, reforms, and the establishment of Greek as the ...
N. A. de S. Amaratunga              It is scientific research that has enabled the world to advance in knowledge and find ...
Although there have been 313 Messengers sent by Allah, only four of them have received a book of revelation that has lasted ...