Three taxidermied penguins preside over Room 426 in Allwine Hall, standing atop a row of metal cabinets in the back corner. The Antarctic birds are locked in an everlasting staring contest with a ...
PEOPLE are being urged to be vigilant after reports of possible cases of a virus lethal to red squirrels further north than reported before. There have been two reports of lethargic and sick looking ...
A deadly virus that kills endangered red squirrels may have been discovered further north than ever before, sparking alarm of a "major" threat to the iconic Scots species. Cases of lethal squirrelpox ...
People are being urged to be vigilant after reports of possible cases of a virus lethal to red squirrels further north in the UK than ever before. Public members have twice reported seeing ...
A deadly virus that kills endangered red squirrels may have been discovered further north than ever before, sparking alarm of a "major" threat to the iconic Scots species. Cases of lethal ...
Squirrel populations can vary substantially from one region to another, despite their global distribution. Squirrels can be found almost wherever in North America, from the city to the suburbs to the ...
Squirrelpox can rapidly kill red squirrels but does not affect greys (Danny Lawson/PA) People are being urged to be vigilant after reports of possible cases of a virus lethal to red squirrels ...
Nestled in a wooden squirrel hide in National Trust Plas Newydd House and Garden, Anglesey, the sound of the heavy wind is muffled by the dense rows of red Scots pine trees that surround it ...
Worryingly low levels of genetic diversity make Scotland’s red squirrels especially vulnerable to disease, a study has shown. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh said this could explain ...