People have been enjoying jasmine tea for many centuries. Both tea and jasmine were cultivated in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), and people may have drunk jasmine tea even before that time.
The first and largest of its kind: a 30 MW, pure-hydrogen electrical generator called the Jupiter One just completed its first successful full-system test. The Jupiter One is the most powerful and ...
Regular ScienceAlert readers will likely know how pervasive microplastics are – getting into human tissue, ancient rock, and bottled water – but it may come as a shock to discover just how many of ...
People around the world drink tea. Hundreds of varieties exist, from white to black and green to oolong. They all naturally have high amounts of health-promoting substances called flavonoids.
Drinking tea from plastic-containing tea bags could expose you to billions of nano- and microplastics with every sip, putting your health at risk. Many tea bags contain small amounts of tiny ...
A flooding problem that’s inflating the price tag of San Diego’s Pure Water recycling system by many millions is also creating another problem that’s frustrating people from Mission Valley ...
You might think of tea as a comforting, soothing ritual. But, scientists at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) have made a startling discovery — infusing tea through commercial tea bags might be ...
A UAB research has characterised in detail how polymer-based commercial tea bags release millions of nanoplastics and microplastics when infused. The study shows for the first time the capacity of ...
The study shows that, when brewing tea, polypropylene releases approximately 1.2 billion particles per milliliter, with an average size of 136.7 nanometers; cellulose releases about 135 million ...