Directed by Ryan Andrej Lough (“Entertainment”), “You Need This” is produced by McKay and Staci Roberts-Steele via Yellow Dot Studios; Isidoor Roebers and Lea Fels at Scenery, a joint ...
When you increase Scenery Rating, Planet Coaster 2 players will notice Guests becoming significantly more impressed with your park, and your Rides will gain Prestige from being decorated well.
It was a beautiful scenery Sunday morning at Atimatim in Afigya Kwabre East Constituency of the Ashanti Region when Christians and Muslims gathered in the town's Roman Catholic Church uniting in ...
Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window ...
With the 29 th edition of the annual climate conference set to begin in Baku, Azerbaijan next week and Donald Trump likely to be re-elected as President of the United States, climate experts worry ...
In an interview with ArchDaily, they summarise their design practice as 'the evolution of scenery', each time drawing design information from the site, not just responding to nature or culture ...
The movie works best as a Rocky Mountains travelogue. The ridgelines, snowfields and forests above Boulder, Colo., are gorgeous, and you have to appreciate the scenery’s magnificence because there’s a ...
SEE ALSO: Trump sees ‘historic realignment’ as GOP points to record Latino vote; gains across map For both parties, the clear-cut results quickly reset the political landscape in Washington.