Rising salinity levels threaten paddy cultivation in Kuttanad, impacting farmers and prompting calls for government support.
17 小时
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNDeepseek+Kimi手机一键生成PPT在快节奏的职场环境中,高效制作PPT成为了一项必备技能。今天,我将为大家带来一款组合神器——Deepseek+Kimi,让你在手机上一键生成高颜值PPT。首先,你需要分别在手机上打开Deepseek官网和Kimi官网,完成注册并登录账号。
又一款中国AI产品一夜爆火,Manus能接活写PPT、找房子、分析股票,DeepSeek:我俩是技术 ...
1 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN利用好deepseek打工人工作效率更高Deepseek +Kimi操作流程一、使用DeepSeek生成PPT大纲与内容1.输入生成指令,在DeepSeek对话框中输入PPT需求,需包含以 ...
To convey his love for his future wife, a groom presented a PowerPoint slideshow, adding a novel twist to typical wedding ...
Groom made a PPT for his dermatologist wife, a wedding speech turns into a fun roasting event, netizens share their take on ...
全媒体记者许湘兵 实习生徐瑞泽报道 为全面提升实习生综合素养,充分展现其青春风采,同时激励广大实习生积极进取、勇于开拓创新,近日,开封一五五医院护理部携手科教科举办了2024 - 2025年度实习生“风华正茂 未来可期”PPT大赛暨表彰大会。该院护理部主任陈圆圆、科教科主任张建华、麻醉科主任张雷光、血液肿瘤科护士长郭春艳以及康复疼痛科护士长赵云艳担任大赛评委,140余名实习生踊跃参与其中。
The strong growth in demand aligns with the results of our latest passenger survey (November 2024), in which 94% of travelers ...
A groom turned romantic as he decided to put a unique and loving spin on traditional wedding vows. The man incorporated a ...
2 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNDeepseek+Kimi AI,PPT制作从未如此轻松?在当今快节奏的工作环境中,效率成为了每个人追求的目标。特别是在PPT等视觉展示材料时,传统的方法往往让人感到耗时又繁琐。我们迫切需要一种工具,能够简化这一过程,帮助我们更高效地传达信息。在这样的背景下,Deepseek与Kimi ...
PPT specializes in the design, production, and service of testing instruments that ensure the physical integrity and quality of raw materials, components and finished products.
Funds advised by SK Capital Partners, LP ("SK Capital"), a private investment firm focused on the specialty materials, ingredients, and life sciences sectors, completed the acquisition of Physical ...