"We found that some comets in the inner Oort cloud form a long-lasting spiral structure." Spirals are a repeating theme in ...
Tariffs could now make that much costlier. As surging power demand from places such as data centers is set to strain the system, transformers, the nuts and bolts of the power system, look ...
“The Equilibrium Diagram of the System Aluminium-Zinc” is the title of the first of a new series of publications which the Institute of Metals proposes to issue of up-to-date equilibrium ...
However, when power drops in a large ratio, the effective admittances of modules are always not within the high-efficiency range. This paper optimizes four-paralleled-module system through two ...
As a consequence, those who are able to afford a solar system can free ride, enjoying their own electricity when the sun shines and making use of the grid for artificially cheap power when it sets.
ESPN senior NFL writer Kalyn Kahler shares her report on Trace Armstrong and other coach agents using their influence on organizations like the Bears to get their clients hired Donald Trump offers ...
A library of power system component models written in the Modelica language that can be used for power system dynamic analysis, such as phasor time-domain simulations.
A library of power system component models written in the Modelica language that can be used for power system dynamic analysis, such as phasor time-domain simulations.
Modularity, a widely recognized principle of living systems, has been observed in many aspects of biological organization ... Furthermore, the case studies on HoxA gene cluster and GATA2 exemplify the ...