A care home invited local school children to join residents to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day with a heartwarming ...
Doctors often use antidepressants to manage the depression, anxiety and agitation that accompanies a diagnosis of dementia. Now, a new study suggests the use of antidepressants may hasten the ...
Their poems are part of world history and culture. Poets should and must document the destruction and horrors of war. But can poetry ameliorate a war or hasten a peaceful resolution? Perhaps ...
Learning a second language could help stave off dementia for many years, scientists have revealed. It's long been established that bilingual people develop dementia an average of 5.4 years later ...
Remembering my mother This poem remembers the return of my wife and I to Eastbourne, my family home, in January 2010. The drive from south Devon was during the worst of the snow that year. Our new ...
Remembering my mother This poem remembers the return of my wife and I to Eastbourne, my family home, in January 2010. The drive from south Devon was during the worst of the snow that year. Our new ...
There's no single test to diagnose dementia; it’s a process. You may go through several types of tests. The tests look at how your brain thinks or reasons (cognitive tests), functions ...
Parkinson’s can cause a condition called Parkinson’s disease dementia. This condition is marked by a decline in thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive ...
“[People from] Ikaria, Greece, live about eight years longer [than US citizens, on average], largely without dementia, no discernible dementia,” he said. An estimated 6.7 million Americans are ...
Hospitals must get better at recognising and treating delirium in patients because it may be causing long-lasting brain damage and dementia, doctors will tell the Government. The condition ...
In the Netherlands, doctors and dementia patients must negotiate a fine line: Assisted death for those without capacity is legal, but doctors won’t do it. Irene Mekel, who seeks medical ...