When my son was three years old, he told me one day after preschool ... If your child brings up race, don’t shut them down with “We don’t talk about that.” Instead say, “I’m really ...
However, UFC CEO Dana White shot that idea down after the event. Given White’s comments, Song revealed there’s an alternative matchmaking option that also interests him. “My goal is the world champion ...
The trio dropped an upbeat new single titled “Call Me When You Break Up,” and though it might sound like a message directed to an ex, Gomez recently clarified the real subject of the song.
This film is directed by the talented duo, Danny and Michael Philipou, who gained recognition for their successful movie Talk to Me. The Talk to Me duo, Danny and Michael Philippou, have returned ...
It’s their choice not to include me, but I believe it’s rude to brag ... the hosts' prerogative of choosing their guests. (Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website ...
When prompted to also say the slogan, Seinfeld paused before shaking his head and replied: “I don’t care about Palestine.” The activist responded: “That’s sad.” Last May, at a ...
Responding to a direct question about Ross being the woman who inspired the song, Robinson added, "Ha ha! I’ve known Diana Ross since she was 8 years old, man! She’s precious to me.
Edwards: Hold on now. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Don't talk. We ain't gonna do all that. Obama: No, I'm just saying. Embiid: Three 7-footers. Obama: That's right, because you got Naz Reid.
Subway DJ then asked before the comedian offered a brief response, per the video. “I don’t care about Palestine,” he said as he walked away with his wife, Jessica. “That’s sad,” the ...
All-Star games don’t matter ... 😕 (& I know some of you want me to talk about those other things floating around out there. I will in time. Just please know: *I love our Sundays together*!