In Pascha, the prostitutes occupying the 126 rooms on seven floors would pay a daily fee of Sh23,000 a day which includes, medical care, rent, meals and tax. The women are guaranteed security and ...
Around 200 women from all over the world work here ... Is true satisfaction and closeness really for sale? ”Like a Pascha” seeks out for answers to a question never before answered: why ...
Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead. The godly wise women came to Thee with myrrh. But Him Whom they sought with tears as dead, they joyfully adored as the living God. And they told to Thy ...
Let us embrace one another with joy. O Pascha, ransom from sorrow! Today Christ shone forth from a tomb as from a bridal chamber, and filled the women with joy, saying, ‘Proclaim it to the ...