Interim leader Glen Savoie delivers an address to attendees of the PCNB annual general meeting. Savoie urged members to come together around a common purpose. (Benjamin Ford/CBC) "Twelve years of ...
The interim leader of New Brunswick's Progressive Conservatives used the party's first meeting since the election to warn ...
“Provincial Council for the PCNB party voted unanimously in favour of Glen Savoie as interim leader,” Erika Hachey, party president, said in a news release. “The party looks forward to hearing Mr.
06/04 08:14 凤凰网河南,影响中原的力量。  来自河南 “物,万物也。牛为大物,天地之数,起于牵牛,故从牛。勿声。” 这是《说文解字》中对“物”的解释,折射了自古以来“牛”及牛文化的重要性。“牛”是十二生肖中艺术表现形式最为丰富的动物之一,同时在中国传统文化中,“牛”为勤奋坚韧、忠厚温和的形象,也是镇妖避邪、吉祥如意的象征,我国出土的古代玉器中就有不少牛的形象。 在河南博物院中,一件青玉 ...