Pseudomonasis a type of bacteria that's commonly found outdoors, such as in soil and water. It can also thrive in moist places indoors. Some types of this germ, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.
Each year, most species of bacteria in a Wisconsin lake rapidly evolved, apparently in response to dramatically changing seasons, and then evolved back. Like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhog ...
Beginning Jan. 2014, Texas state law (SB 62) mandates that all entering students under the age of 22 provide a certificate signed by a health care provider or an official immunization record verifying ...
The culprit driving this pandemic: multidrug-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs. Superbugs show extensive antibiotic resistance, meaning drugs that would historically cure people of the ...
"Oropharyngeal commensals"* were present ... of simple and reliable methods for the evaluation of the bronchial bacterial flora as a guide to the study of the pathogenesis of chronic pulmonary ...
FLEMING 1 noted that the growth of B. coli and a number of other bacteria belonging to the colityphoid group was not inhibited by penicillin. This observation has been confirmed. Further work has ...
Antibacterial soap contains active chemicals which are added to kill bacteria. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), antibacterial and plain soap are equally effective at ...
2011). Culture-independent approaches have recently been introduced in the analysis of the respiratory microbiology in CF and have demonstrated that sputum (S) and oropharyngeal (OP) cultures only ...