The NHS has issued a warning regarding the use of the widely-used painkiller, ibuprofen, advising individuals to seek an alternative medication if they experience three specific side effects.
Ibuprofen is used to effectively relieve pain, fever, and inflammation. However, its use can be dangerous for some people.
The NHS warns that you must not take ibuprofen by mouth or apply it to your skin if you experience any of the following ...
Dr. Raymond Li Hang-wun from HKUMed, who led the study, explained that their findings could lead to changes in medical ...
Ibuprofen is used to effectively relieve pain, fever, and inflammation. However, its use can be dangerous for some people.
A study from Emory University suggests that an anti-inflammatory drug called ketorolac might help stop cancer metastasis if ...
“医生,我是克罗恩病患者,不想频繁做肠镜,有什么项目能帮我监测病情吗?”近日,长沙市中心医院检验科接到了患者咨询,幸运的是,该院新开展了粪便“钙卫蛋白”的项目,帮患者解决了难题。据悉,粪便钙卫蛋白(FC)是由中性粒细胞分泌的钙结合蛋白,粪便中的钙卫蛋白含量高,理化性质稳定,分布均匀。当肠道出现炎症时,中 ...
Stomach ulcers or gastric ulcers form as painful sores that affect the stomach lining. These ulcers represent a frequent type ...