Immigration enforcement operations in Northern Virginia, including one shadowed by Kristi Noem, were not as widespread as ...
And because of their popularity as a game fish, they’ve been introduced to nearly every state in the U.S. over the years. (Northern pike are also native to northern Europe, and the world record pike, ...
Twenty years after the first northern pike was detected in Box Canyon Reservoir on the Pend Oreille River system, state and tribal suppression efforts seem to be keeping the carnivorous fish in ...
Northern pike, chain pickerel, and muskies are all members of the same family. And if we were comparing them to the porridge in “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” pike fishing would be “just right.” ...
Carl Stoltz, of Bradford, has Pennsylvania’s record northern pike. He caught a 35-pounder in the Allegheny Reservoir in McKean County in 2003. Bevevino’s fish is a real trophy for any angler.