Vasant Panchami, also known as Shree Panchami, Basant Panchami, or Saraswati Puja, is dedicated to Mata Saraswati, the goddess of art, knowledge, music, wisdom, and learning, and will be ...
Vasant Panchami, also known as Basant Panchami, or Saraswati Puja marks the onset of spring and is celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm across various regions of the world. Observed on the ...
Vasant Panchami, celebrated on the fifth day of the Shuk Paksha in the month of Mag, will occur on February 2, 2025. This festival honours Goddess Saraswati, the deity of education, speech and ...
Basant Panchami, also called Vasant Panchami, Shri Panchami, or Saraswati Puja is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm across the country. Celebrated on the fifth day of the Hindu month of ...
Basant Panchami, also known as Saraswati Puja, holds a special place in the hearts of Hindus, particularly those seeking knowledge and creativity. Praying to Goddess Saraswati for wisdom and preparing ...