The National School of Drama is set to host the Bharat Rang Mahotsav with over 200 plays from nine countries including Russia and Germany. Aiming for a Guinness World Record, the festival celebrates ...
He is known for his 'Rasagaá¹ gÄ dhara', a work on poetic theory considered to be part of the tradition laid down by Bharata Muni, whose 'Natya Shastra' is a treatise on the performing arts. Jagannath ...
For a house to become a home, it needs to radiate the right kind of energy and there is a lot in Vastu Shastra regarding this. According to a number of traditional beliefs, each home comes with its ...
Shaastra Aerial Robotics Challenge: Involves autonomous drone delivery. Drones autonomously navigate a geo-fenced area to locate a target and drop a payload accurately, demonstrating their programming ...
Nritya and Natya as enunciated in the Natya Shastra by Bharata Muni. Abbeyramme became the personification of the characters she played. Abbeyramme’s repertoire (Margam), strictly following the ...