Contrary to popular belief, what you wear and how you carry yourself are not limited to displaying your penchant for style. These seemingly small choices could lead to health issues over time.
Nevertheless, symptoms can disrupt work, family time and rest. As an optometrist in Mississippi, Reed sees patients who complain of frequent eye pain, headaches and blurry vision associated with ...
The American Optometric Association says an estimated 104 million Americans of working age spend more than seven hours a day in front of screens. All that screen time can take a toll.
I had taken care of snow removal prior to the major flooding of 2009, and I retired from that task. I may need to work out with weights before I work with our large snow blower again. I went in the ...
How to do mountain climbers: Get into a high-plank position with your wrists directly under your shoulders. Keep your core tight, drawing your belly button in toward your spine. Drive your right knee ...