The story follows Lucy and her wizard guild's adventures. Tokisaki Kurumi is one of the most fascinating and powerful anime characters ever created. While she starts as a villain she eventually ...
Despite the dilemma of being a highly powerful creature ... The protagonists are given the most spotlight, but the non-canon anime characters that are introduced in the form of spin-offs, movies ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Best Anime Movies Of All Time Best Anime Movies Of All Time Best Anime Movies Best Anthology Movies Best Anime Short Films Best Anime TV ...
Doomsday’s most powerful ability had always been the power to resurrect and evolve, becoming more powerful after each return. After eons of fighting Superman and dying, he had reached this form ...
Anime Vanguards’ Igris, also known as Igros in-game, is based on the Solo Leveling character of the same name, a knight who any fan of the anime is likely very familiar with. As an all-powerful knight ...