The history of mistletoe is the stuff of lore, but growing this wild parasitic plant is less mysterious than you may think.
And first-century Celtic druids apparently used mistletoe to make a sacred fertility elixir—one historic use that presaged ...
All other native mistletoes — including the commonly found amyema nestor — grow on hosts, hanging from their branches. Photos ...
Hanging mistletoe during the holiday season is a beloved tradition steeped in mystery, romance and a touch of superstition.
Mistletoe's long been a Christmas staple, like mince pies, a fir tree, a dried fruit pudding and the Kings Speech - but are ...
One of the most amusing aspects of woke culture is its insistence on endowing everything from animals and pastimes to ...
Young people are not interested in the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe out of fear of being 'accused of abuse,' ...