Yes, a mini PC can be good for gaming, but you’ll need to have a good look at the GPU specs. Larger mini PCs based on mini-ITX motherboards can often accommodate a seriously powerful graphics ...
three main classes of aftermarket PC case reign supreme: full ATX, MicroATX, and Mini-ITX. You can simply think of them as big (ATX), medium-size (MicroATX), and small (Mini-ITX). Each has its own ...
最近mini-ITX主机中更是兴起了一种很新的玩法,那就是MoDT装机方案(Mobile on DeskTop),简而言之就是将桌面级主板和移动端处理器整合在一起,利用 ...
这篇文主要分析下现在Z490 ITX主板的情况,为啥要单独分析ITX主板?一是因为现在mini主机越来越 ... Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3开箱拆解 小熊入手的是华 ...
The smallest PC cases you can buy are also today's most diverse and complex. Here's how to shop for a compact PC chassis, along with the best ones we've built in at PC Labs. I have been a ...
ARM single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi are great for some applications — if you need something that’s energy efficient or can fit into a tight space, they’re tough to beat.
上代Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3在Z490 ITX中,供电并不算强,但散热比较强(热管+鳍片+双风扇),貌似是用温度来增强供电性能的设计思路。这代Z590 Phantom ...
Today's PCs come in enough shapes to dazzle a dodecahedron ... This balance of size and performance potential sets it apart in the gaming Mini-ITX category. This case is perfect for gamers ...
Luke is back and today he is checking out the Mini-ITX Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 from ASRock. It's actually the only mini-ITX ...
Able to house premium builds, despite its small desktop footprint, this Thermaltake PC tower is just $100 for a limited time ...