At that time, there was no standardized technical protocol for the precise ecological restoration of mangroves, either domestically or internationally. The development of such guidelines is crucial to ...
Also known as “residence by investment,” golden visas are issued to those who buy property, create a company or donate money. Interest in golden visas among Americans spiked late last year after ...
Oil spills have polluted water sources and impacted women's livelihoods over the past 50 years. Countless mangroves have been destroyed in extracting dirty energy from the Earth, leading to devastated ...
Coastal habitats, coral reefs and mangrove swamps, reduce flood losses, according to a new Swiss Re Institute study. Results indicate areas with strong natural coastal protection experience lower ...
Natural coastal habitats, such as mangrove swamps and salt marshes, play a role in mitigating storm-related losses, according to a Swiss Re analysis of Florida’s coastline. The study found that ...
All of which makes the recent announcement of a new $50 million (US$35 million) lithium refinery in B.C. well-timed. Mangrove Lithium, a B.C. cleantech originally backed by Bill Gates’ Breakthrough ...
After all, the pain didn't stop the 25-year-old sports soldier, who started with a broken foot at the 53rd FIL Luge World Championships on the 2010 Olympic track in Whistler,Canada, from harvesting ...
Project MITHI—which stands for Mangrove-based Initiatives for Thriving Habitats and Inclusive Communities—is designed to rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems, champion wildlife conservation ...
GOLDEN, Colo. — The annual "Goldens in Golden" event returned this weekend for a celebration of one of America's most popular dog breeds. Humans and their well-behaved golden retrievers gathered ...
This prompted the researchers to recommend the protection and restoration of mangrove habitats as a tailored conservation measure for the mangrove horseshoe crab. For the coastal horseshoe crab ...