Marvel Cinematic Universe has assembled expansive films and shows filled with beloved heroes and thrilling stories, but ...
While Hailee Steinfeld is hitting all the right notes, her MCU salary doesn't quite stack up to Josh Allen’s game-winning ...
Mystique being the next mutant character to appear, makes sense because she could easily be lurking in the background without ...
As expected, the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W - the wireless version of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 - is now available with an extra ...
As for who else will appear in Shang-Chi 2 … that’s a question without an answer. It would seem like a safe bet that the ...
Mephisto is one of the biggest Marvel villains the Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to introduce, though they have a variety ...
Making an epic return in MCU, X-23 surprises fans with a heartwarming reunion in Deadpool & Wolverine ... Amie Cranswick has ...
The Making of Deadpool & Wolverine, it was revealed that there was an initial idea to show that Deadpool ( Ryan Reynolds) had ...
Ryan Reynolds is making a new Deadpool project, and it looks like it’ll follow in the Guardians’ footsteps with a Christmas special.
We had heard that Lady Gaga met with Marvel Studios about a potential MCU role, and Kevin Feige is said to be interested in ...
Search has recently started throwing in special Easter eggs when you look up information about popular new movies. The ...