The Gujarat government on Wednesday (January 1, 2025) approved the bifurcation of Banaskantha district to create a new district. The new Vav-Tharad district will have its headquarters in Tharad ...
The Gujarat government has approved the creation of a new Vav-Tharad district by bifurcating Banaskantha. This decision, aimed at enhancing administrative efficiency and addressing public demand ...
In a significant decision, the Gujarat government on Wednesday decided to split Banaskantha district into two, carving out a new district that will be named Vav-Tharad with its headquarters at Tharad.
Gandhinagar: The Gujarat government today announced formation of a new district of Vav-Tharad. A discussion was held, and a decision was taken in the State cabinet meeting today for the ...
Covering 912 square miles (2,362 square kilometres), the Lake District is England's largest national park - and its most popular, with over 19million visitors each year. Though it's been much ...