The clinical approach, epidemiology, diagnostic procedures, and management, along with followup of superficial spreading malignant ... Table 4). Preventing morbidities caused by melanoma ...
Let's move our bodies for a fantastic cause" We invite you to stand in solidarity with Chris and fellow melanoma patients across Canada again for the 6th Edition of A Viking's Challenge.
When Gold Coast mother Claire Groot was dealt the heartbreaking diagnosis of stage four breast cancer, she thought she would ...
Understanding the stage of melanoma will help your healthcare team create a treatment plan. Melanoma treatment often starts with surgery to remove the cancer. The treatment for thinner melanomas ...
Radiotherapy for advanced melanoma aims to relieve symptoms and improve a person’s quality of life. Where the cancer has spread to is called a metastasis or secondary cancer. If there are a small ...
Phase 2 trials see if the treatment works to kill melanoma cells. Phase 3 trials compare the new treatment with the current treatment for metastatic melanoma. Phase 4 trials look at how well the ...
mRNA specialist BioNTech has chalked up an important win in its cancer pipeline, showing efficacy with its BNT111 vaccine candidate in a phase 2 trial in advanced melanoma. The study is looking at ...
On Thursday, BMS revealed that a phase 3 trial of Opdualag as an adjuvant treatment for patients with completely resected stage III and stage IV melanoma ... with stage 4 or recurrent non-squamous ...
Stage 4 prostate cancer is the most advanced stage of the disease. It means that cancer has spread beyond the prostate to distant areas of the body. Learn more about this stae, what treatments are ...