Scientists say Lake Michigan’s winter season is getting shorter, disrupting fish populations, nutrient cycles and even summer ...
The water quality of Clear Lake - California's largest natural freshwater lake - suffers from low-to-no-oxygen conditions ...
Clear Lake's water quality suffers from low-to-no-oxygen conditions, finds a report from UC Davis Tahoe Environmental ...
Lake effect snow is dependent on the Great Lakes water temperature and how much of the lake is frozen. But what does the ...
Chicago is experiencing unseasonably mild temperatures, with a 10.7-degree Fahrenheit deviation from the five-year historical ...
Glaciers play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate and providing fresh water to billions of people worldwide. What ...
The (GLA) encourages the community to learn how salt applied to roads and sidewalks can negatively impact local waterways, ...
An SUV driver managed to escape without injury after crashing into the water at the point of a pressure ridge on Lake ...
Jasper County Naturalist Greg Oldsen shares some tricks of the trade and how to stay safe while out on the ice ...
Skaneateles, N.Y. — Under gray skies and with wind whipping off the freezing cold water, people began to gather along the ...
Proper hydration helps regulate important body functions including temperature regulation, joint lubrication, nutrient and ...
Beaver-inspired structures could limit flooding and benefit wildlife habitat, but state permitting is arduous.