Have you noticed that your once playful cat is recently becoming a little less energetic than usual? Are they spending more ...
Jautei, S. , Laaboub, K. , Himine, M. , Laaboudi, R. and Yousfi, M. (2025) Delivery of a Sirenomelia Misdiagnosed as IUGR with Anamnios. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15, 235-239. doi: 10 ...
A minimally invasive therapy that has the potential to transform treatment of a common cause of high blood pressure, has been developed by researchers at UCL, Queen Mary University of London and Barts ...
The test is widely available to medical providers but is mainly used for crude assessments of how the heart works and if there are any obvious abnormalities. According to Oikonomou, even with the use ...
and to examine gallstones and kidney stones, the liver, carotid artery and hip abnormalities. Funding for the equipment came after Altru responded to a Helmsley Charity Trust's survey, followed by an ...
The Helmsley Charitable Trust is distributing $27.4 million to help 69 North Dakota hospitals and health centers purchase ultrasound imaging devices and train the state’s sonography workforce ...
CONCLUSIONS: All patients with renal calculi in horseshoe kidneys were noted to have metabolic abnormalities predisposing to stone formation. In this initial series of 11 patients, hypovolemia ...
February is Heart Health Awareness Month, and it’s a good reminder for parents-to-be to schedule that important 20-week ultrasound visit ... brain and kidneys and it’s a good idea to ask ...
Ultrasound of the breast is used predominately to differentiate cysts from solid masses. Cystic lesions are overwhelmingly benign in nature. Ultrasound has been found to be extremely accurate in ...
With more than 550,000 Americans suffering from kidney failure and nearly 100,000 on the transplant waiting list, the demand for donor kidneys vastly outstrips supply. Only about 25,000 kidney ...