Brad Keselowski's RFK Racing President, Steve Newmark expressed joy over the team's long-term partnership with Fastenal Company. They are celebrating 15 years as partners.
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Red Bull's three-year sponsor deal with cryptocurrency firm Bybit has appeared to end after it was removed from the team's official sponsors list. Bybit signed a deal with the Milton Keynes-based ...
Red Bull have parted ways with one of their sponsors after three years, leaving a big hole in the team's finances. Crypto exchange Bybit were thought to be one of the Formula One giants' biggest ...
ByBit had been a prominent sponsor of the Red Bull F1 team over the past three seasons, but opted against a renewal for F1 2025. The Dubai-based cryptocurrency platform signed a “multi-year ...
After Max Verstappen won the 2021 Drivers’ Championship title following a titanic battle with Lewis Hamilton, Red Bull benefitted from a wealth of new sponsors. Among these deals was a £400m ($ ...
With each deal worth millions, a significant portion of Red Bull’s revenue comes from its sponsors—some of whom are new, while others have supported the Milton Keynes-based team for years. This list, ...