The biblical story of Jonah has always seemed rather fantastical; after all, who could survive in the belly of a whale? Since when do whales swallow people? Well, since this week, apparently; a ...
12 天on MSNOpinion
Sometimes when I read the Bible, I can see a parallel between things that happened during biblical times and what is happening in our world today.
3 天on MSNOpinion
Still, although Simancas felt he had been swallowed, humpback whales have filter feeders which cannot completely eat someone ...
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. The biblical story of Jonah ...
During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...
10 天
Inquirer on MSNAsh Wednesday: Why do Christians put ashes on their foreheads?This Ash Wednesday many Christians will have a black cross smudged on their foreheads. A historian of Christianity explains ...
Three years ago, I was conducting research for a study on the Bible and the ... in Scripture too. Jonah is aggrieved with God for showing grace to the people of Nineveh because he regards them ...
Ashes in the Bible serve as symbolic physical reminders of our short earthly lifespan compared to the heavenly eternity of ...
A group of state attorneys general has walked back plans to push a judge to declare unconstitutional a key federal rule that protects students with disabilities from discrimination.