This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
While Sony launched the PlayStation Store “Holiday Sale” last month, it seems more games have been added without any announcement. By our count, there are 99 items added to the sale, and we’ve updated ...
The offer will start from January 2 and go right up until January 16, and it comes as part of the pub's January sales, with venues across England and Wales reducing their prices on alcohol.
Invasive species researchers are heralding a dip in the City of Vancouver's Japanese beetle population as a win after years-long efforts to stop the spread of the ravenous plant-munching bug.
The 'Dance Moms' alum survives a video game-style showdown in her "Choose Ur Fighter" music video Columbia Records JoJo Siwa is ready to rumble. On Wednesday, Jan. 1, the Dance Moms alum ...
The third GM V-8 to earn the LT1 moniker came along as an all-new generation of the small-block in the 2014 C7 Corvette. The fifth-gen small-block was based on the same basic architecture as the LS3 ...