Nakeeyat Dramani, former Talented Kidz winner, received land from environmentalist Dr Sam Asiamah and said she was going to use it for a tree-planting project.
He was born in humble obscurity yet His family had to flee to save Him from a jealous ruler He forgave sins healed the sick and gave hope to the downhearted and oppressed yet He was despised and ...
He is a weekly Thursday Guest on The Schaftlein Report, a National Board Member of Herut North America and Herut Representative on The AZM Board Jesus was a Jew, NOT A Palestinian. This season ...
She also played Mary in the 1977 miniseries 'Jesus of Nazareth' and was memorable in 'Black Christmas' and 'Death on the Nile.' By Mike Barnes, Carly Thomas Olivia Hussey, who dazzled moviegoers ...