Shonen Unleashed Private Server codes are extremely useful if you are trying to hone your combat skills. Using them will teleport you to a secluded area where the server isn't crowded. This allows ...
How to stop lockjaw depends on its cause. Lockjaw, also known as trismus, is not always caused by tetanus. It can also result from trauma, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, oral infections, or ...
The appearance of a new orca calf in Washington’s Puget Sound last month was cause for celebration. The young female, whom researchers named J61, was a new addition to the Southern Resident ...
An orca who drew international attention when she carried her dead calf for 17 days and more than 1,000 miles seven years ago is experiencing heartbreak all over again. Scientists initially ...
The mother orca, known as J35 or Tahlequah, is a Southern Resident killer whale in the Salish Sea off the coast of British Columbia and northwest Washington State. In July, scientists counted 73 ...
An orca who made headlines for mourning her dead calf in a unique two-week “tour of grief” is responding to her latest deceased newborn in the same way, a heart-wrenching photo shows.
An orca has been spotted carrying the body of its deceased calf. The orca named Tahlequah, first gained global attention in 2018, when she did a similar gesture when her previous female newborn died.
An orca who made international headlines in 2018 when she carried her dead calf with her for more than two weeks has now been photographed carrying another dead calf. J35, known by the nickname ...