A Gundam anime, by the team behind Neon Genesis Evangelion, topped the Japanese box office, ahead of its American debut.
It is time to learn the name of another intriguing Japanese pitcher who might appear in MLB sooner than anticipated.
Illustrations on Niconico Shunga will be deleted after service ends. They will be hidden and inaccessible on users' pages. In addition, the R-15 categories, generally used for excessively sexual ...
Angry Kirby was once an unlikely poster child for the difference between Japanese and American sensibilities. When home in Japan, Kirby’s joyful, round face was rarely seen without a welcoming smile.
For all the big budgets and big stars Hollywood boasts at its disposal, it's not often when a "Hollywood remake" is actually ...
David Smyth joined team RW to experience the first UK Ekiden and delves into the history, culture and significance of the ...