The ears are a pair of sensory organs whose primary functions are hearing and balance. They are divided into three portions: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each has an intricate ...
Your veterinarian might not call the condition exactly "dog swimmer's ears," but may prefer to rather refer to it as "otitis externa," the general medical term for an infection of the dog's outer ear.
Antibiotics—used in the treatment of acute otitis media—help keep the risk of mastoiditis low. Earwax, also called cerumen, is a substance that protects the lining of the outer ear canal. Cerumen ...
It’s made up of secretions from glands in your outer ear canal, which is the part closest to the opening of your ear. Earwax typically moves out of your ear naturally. However, it can sometimes ...
Dealing with pain or pressure in your ear, neck or throat is not only uncomfortable, it could also be a sign of an ear ...
You may be able to stop itching with over-the-counter products or at-home remedies, such as petroleum jelly. Itching (pruritus) can be more than a small annoyance. It can cause significant ...
Use a soft towel on the outer part of the ear to gently dry your ears ... Cleaning too often or too vigorously can strip away this protective wax (which is necessary for lubrication), leading to ...
The twinge begins in the afternoon: toes. At my desk, toes, itching. Toes, toes, toes. I don’t normally think about my toes. But as I commute home in a crowded subway car, my feet are burning ...
Ear pinning is one example of otoplasty, which is surgery on the outer, visible parts of the ear. Otoplasty can rebuild absent, misshapen or damaged ears, or reduce the size of large ears. It is ...