At its core, “Twilight” revolves around Bella Swan, a seemingly uninteresting, quiet and awkward teenager, a relatable feeling for anyone who survived high school, living in Forks, Washington, the ...
Lancaster's Morton Betts look ahead to BBC Introducing's IVW showcase at The Grand; Carlisle trio NOVABLOOD on their new album William Wolstenholme shares the best local musical talent from ...
One generation’s chic is another generation’s cringe. “Sex and the City” started streaming on Netflix last spring, making the show, which aired its final episode on HBO in 2004 ...
Head over to Epic Reactions for more outrageous pranks and wild moments." Republicans introduce constitutional amendment to impose term limits 25 TV Shows That Became Cult Classics After Just One ...
Get ready for a cringe-worthy yet hilarious compilation of unexpected below-the-belt hits! From accidental kicks to clumsy missteps, these moments will leave you wincing and laughing at the same time.