His coarse misogyny is often described as appealing to working-class boys and young men. Is this really the issue?
There's no question that AI systems have accomplished some impressive feats, mastering games, writing text, and generating ...
Immigrants are black and brown people who come from countries in the Global South, including nations in Africa. Expatriates, ...
Sex is not one single, simple, uniform biological reality, so biology cannot be invoked as a basis for “immutable” legal ...
Actor Daphnée Duplaix, a veteran of “Passions” and “One Life to Live,” is the driver of the Mercedes and therefore won the ...
Nightwing just revealed an awesome new upgrade to his costume that sets his approach to crime-fighting apart from Batman's in ...
Rieff offers the American left a path beyond the culture war and towards a more generous, genuine humanism. Donald Trump ’s ...
KILLINGTON — The mood in the room at this year’s select board candidate forum was far more jovial than last year, though it was sparsely attended with a little more than a dozen residents showing up ...
First, the obvious. Using an Implicit Association Test (which checks "hidden" attractions and repulsion), PEW surveyed 100 people from different categories of racial identification and found that few ...
George Russell, Hamilton’s former teammate, welcomes this. He recently spoke about the appeal of races in the U.S., insisting that they are a different world. “And even between the three American ...
Lots of races are decided by those first steps out ... winning 15 state championship titles once held by nine different women. Eighty-five times they blocked female runners from opportunities ...
Nuanced definitions of Islamophobia and antisemitism are not just academic exercises; they are essential tools for identifying, challenging and ultimately eradicating bigotry against Muslims and ...